Нашите стойности


Гледаме на света с очите на нашите клиенти
и партньори. Всяко решение е реакция
на потребности, които достигат до нас от вас.

Винаги питаме ЗАЩО?
Едва след това казваме КАКВО.
Човекът и неговите нужди
са винаги в центъра
на нашата работа.

Винаги питаме ЗАЩО?
Едва след това казваме КАКВО.
Човекът и неговите нужди
са винаги в центъра
на нашата работа.

Грижим се за имиджа
още на етапа на оформяне на
офертата и проектиране на


Винаги и във всеки елемент от дейността ни осигуряваме на нашите клиенти най-високо качество, изключителни продукти.

Помним, че клиентът купува преди всичко човека, и след това фирмата и нейните предложения. Единни сме във всяка област на дейността ни.


Осъществявайки нашата стратегия, ние
се концентрираме върху най-силните страни на
фирмата. Не променяме това, което работи,
подобрявайки същевременно всичко, което изисква

Правим това, за което говорим. Внедряваме
решения,sкоито нашите клиенти и партньори
очакват. Проблемите ни мобилизират и дават
възможност за развитие.



Даваме на нашите клиенти и партньори прости
и стойностни решения. Правим това на етапа
на вземане на решения, същевременно оигурявайки
висококачествено обслужване по време на цялото

Искаме нашите клиенти да избират
продуктите ни напълно естествено

Смятаме да постигнем това чрез отлична
репутация на пазара, изградена на основата
на автентични свидетелства и история.


Осъществяваме нашата мисия и визия чрез
развиване на концепция, която наричаме
партньорски маркетинг.
Градим организационна култура, създавайки фирма,
в коята всеки чувства, че е част от екипа.


Привлекателността на нашите предложения ние развиваме на две нива:

Това са хранителни добавки, които поддържат
организма в добра кондиция и здраве.
Винаги най-високо качество.

Това е луксозна козметика, която се грижи
за цялото тяло. Имаме предложения за хора
във всяка възраст и с различни потребности.

(happy together) е общия знаменател за всичките ни действия.


Искаме да бъдем най-разпознаваемата в света полска фирма
за директни продажби и номер едно в този бранш в Полша.

Топ мениджмънт

  • Maurycy Turek

    Maurycy Turek


    Maurycy Turek

    Maurycy Turek


    Maurycy Turek – Founder of Colway and Colway International. Visionary, dreamer, relentless seeker of new concepts. An individual completely oblivious to the word “no”, and in particular to “there is no way to do this” phrase. A model representative of those who always improve the existing reality thanks to their ability to transform common things into outstanding ones. He pushes undertakings that everyone else has given up on onto new tracks, which seem to have no end. A man of extraordinary warmth, modesty and popularity. He has a gift for reconciling people, reducing tension and settling disputes. Excellent organiser and good speaker. He shares his talents, energy and experience with others, including those outside the Colway organisation, by running his own training centre under the name of Main Brain in Warsaw.

    A resident of Gdynia, born in 1970. A graduate of Maritime University, who discovered his spirit of globetrotter rather than a typical sea wolf. Ocean and sea cruises around the world on the Polish legendary “Dar Młodzieży” ship stirred up his insatiable appetite for meeting people, exploring the world and opportunities. He started his success path, like many others, with a permanent post in the financial sector.As a very young man, he was interested in independent entrepreneurship and direct marketing, which he perceived as a chance for climbing the financial ladder of success. He quickly joined the brave setting up their own businesses in the systemic transformation period, which constituted the best possible school of entrepreneurship. He earned his marketing stripes in MLM organisations and in direct sales. He has achieved spectacular organisational and recruitment successes in marketing projects.

    His vision of a sales and distribution organisation began to emerge in 2003. The organisation now gathers more than 100,000 people! This is how one of the Polish leading network marketing entities – Colway – was created. This experience has been used as a base for the vision of Colway International S.A.

    However, the journey of Maurycy the visionary does not come to an end yet. He constantly takes on new challenges, including the risky ones. He has made his dream of Colway internet business television come true. This innovative, bold project is to provide its participants with a great tool for communication in business and multiplication of marketing structures. In his spare time he rides a motorcycle, flies a gyroplane, dives, sails, and absorbs all technical innovations. He even finds time to teach others skiing. He is able to be ahead of ideas, not only of others, but even his own. For Maurycy Turek a day means way more than just 24 hours. He says: “Curiosity for people and the world is like a blow of wind into my sails”.

  • Jarosław Zych

    Jarosław Zych

    Vice President

    Jarosław Zych

    Jarosław Zych

    Vice President

    Jarosław Zych – Charismatic leader, courageous, even impudent, unstoppable in pursuit, he never takes refusal or criticism personally. Considered a tough man with a strong personality, in close contact he turns out to be kind-hearted towards people, pragmatic and prone to compromise. Whatever he undertakes, he does it with strong consistency. A man who rejects failure-thinking, never stops climbing and establishing ambitious goals.

    He is one of those who always devote their time to bring great value to the lives of others and to set new standards. Workaholic, allowing himself no compromises. He is as hard to convince as he is committed – that is, once he is convinced.

    Born in 1961, resident of Gdańsk. He calls himself “born salesman”, meaning a practitioner of trade art, which he mastered close to perfection. He has been consistently passing its elements to others for years until the present day. Inventor of sales presentation patterns, management tools, and programmes of sales training sessions. Author of numerous articles and scripts on this topic. Trainer of effective activity, instruments for creating demand, and techniques for closing sales. Good organiser, inspiring speaker, role model, and marketing strategist. 

    Liberal, globetrotter, self-educated erudite with comprehensive knowledge and experience. Reformer since always, controversial figure. He never walks the beaten tracks but seeks his own, better ones. Owner of a knack for the written word and great articulation skills. His scripts have been copied and cited by competitors for years. When he commits to something with passion, he can master the necessary knowledge in a flash to achieve a professional level. Author of the book titled “C-olway Vitamin”, which created a stir not only among consumers of dietary supplements. He is in his element on stage.

    He has had many passions and interests in his life, but most of them have gradually disappeared from his free time, being replaced by Colway, to which he thoroughly devotes himself, his talents, initiative and time. He stopped perceiving this organisation as business or work a long time ago. He has neither acted superior to nor alienated people for whom he is a leader. On the contrary, he noticeably has a fondness for them. Success has not changed his opinions or his attitude towards the world, goods and social relations.